Ilze has written an article regarding the new regulations by ICASA for premium rates services that affect all Wireless Application Service Providers (WASPs for short). In essence ICASA is prescribing how premium rated SMS’ should be handled so that the way the services are run are fair to the consumer.
Of course consumer protection is high up on the government’s list at the moment, but often the legislation (or regulations in this case) end up doing something they never intended. For example the consumer protection section relating to direct marketing is actually more restrictive than section 69 of the Protection of Personal Information Act. Essentially this means that you are worse off if you are a WASP than if you are in other industries.
If you are interested in this type of thing (and we admit that not everyone will be) then the full article by Ilze can be found on the Esselaar Attorneys web site over here.

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