Elizabeth de Stadler

Want to find out more about Elizabeth? Check her out on LinkedIn. Better yet, contact her on elizabeth@novcon.co.za.

Elizabeth founded Novation in 2013 with a simple mission: to turn compliance on its head and shake the nonsense out of its pockets. She is a rehabilitated attorney specialising in compliance and risk management strategy, plain language drafting, and privacy law. She prides herself on bringing a fresh perspective to compliance issues. She happens to have a Masters (cum laude) in Consumer Law.

She has written and contributed to many books and thought leadership articles, and is regularly interviewed and quoted in media on various technology-related topics. She is an in-demand speaker at corporates, as well as local and international events. Her popular training sessions – designed to wrangle the legalese from legal departments – always gets lots of laughs (and fast, real results).

Elizabeth loves Lego, sneakers, zombies and white wine. What does she hate? Comic sans, sweet potato and most other attorneys. She is allergic to suits and ‘office shoes’ because of the years she worked at Webber Wentzel. She is very scared of moths. It is a thing – read about it.


Plain Language Legal Drafting
A Guide to the Protection of Personal Information Act
The Law of Contract in South Africa
The Law of Commerce in South Africa

Ilze Luttig Hattingh

Want to find out more about Ilze? Take a look at her LinkedIn profile, better yet contact her on ilze@novcon.co.za.

Ilze is a common-sense attorney; the force is strong with her. She enjoys regulatory compliance, risk management, and creating clear legal documents. She joined Novation in 2016 after she got tired of being an in-house legal advisor. Now she’s an out-house legal advisor (she gets stuff sorted out). Ilze is co-authoring the second edition of A Guide to the Protection of Personal Information Act.

Ilze recently completed a business systems analyst course and discovered her passion for drawing flow charts. When she’s not out riding her mountain bike or practising tai chi, she’s travelling the world. She dislikes jargon like ‘big rocks’, ‘on-boarding’, and ‘this speaks to’. She HATES tomatoes.

Our best tip for dealing with Ilze? Don’t even try to talk to her until she’s had her first cup of tea, and take her advice when she offers it. You’ll be glad you did!

Ann Jarvis Smith

Want to find out more about Ann? Take a look at her LinkedIn profile, better yet contact her on ann@novcon.co.za.

Ann is the non-lawyer of Novation. She has a degree in Business Science and an LLB from the University of Cape Town. Towards the end of her studies she realised that a traditional legal career wasn’t for her. So, she switched to the world of management consulting and happily found her niche in change management.

As a change manager specialising in governance, risk and compliance, Ann loves to figure out what the implications of change really are and why people respond to change the way they do. She has applied this approach, together with her common-sense attitude to communication and training, to numerous projects over her 20-year career.

Ann loves early morning exercise, musical theatre and sparkly sneakers. Her life motto is: Give me coffee to change the things I can, and wine to accept those that I can’t.