• Updated guidance on direct marketing and POPIA, part one.

    At long last, the Information Regulator has published its Guidance Note on POPIA and direct marketing. We did a close reading of what it said so that you don’t have to. Here’s...

  • Updated guidance on direct marketing and POPIA, part two.

    The Regulator’s recent Guidance Note on POPIA and direct marketing is about more than just telemarketing (we did a close read of the whole thing, which you can read in part one)....

  • Telemarketing in South Africa: Navigating the POPIA landscape

    THE STIR Telemarketing in South Africa is under the microscope, and let's be real, we're all (at least a bit) tired of spammy calls and emails. Enter the Information Regulator (IR), with a...

  • Read: White paper on the impact of POPIA on cookies, advertising, marketing and privacy (with some cats thrown in)

    While we were creating our white paper on cookies, adtech, martech and privacy, we became obsessed with cats. Why did we take things so far? (Cat scrotums are pretty far.) Because writing...

  • Super nerd_direct marketing form 4

    Direct marketing and the dreaded consent

    Everywhere we go, we are asked the same questions. Do we really have to use the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad form 4, to get consent for direct marketing when the POPIA comes...