We create simple, smart, seductive communication that radically strengthens your brand and turns your customers into fans.
Work with us to create page-turner policies, clear contracts and user-friendly forms.
Plain language
forms, contracts
and policies
Lawyers give fine print a bad name. We celebrate fine print
We’re not just lawyers, we’re also information design experts, and we approach your documents armed with the latest research in business communication and design. With these insights, we create compelling communication, using video, text, audio or graphics – whatever works to make information bite-size and easy to digest.
We provide the following services:
- We’ll analyse and diagnose your documents
- We’ll test your documents with real humans
- Then we’ll use what we’ve learned to design or redesign your documents (especially forms, contracts and policies)
- We’ll develop a style guide to help you DIY your documents in future
- We’ll help you comply with marketing law without losing sight of the sale
- And we can teach what we preach
You think carefully about how your staff speak to customers, the kind of messages you put on Instagram or what your radio ad says – why not take the same care with your forms, contracts and fine print?
Wondering what plain language looks like? Read our website terms or privacy notice. We’ve practiced what we preach. Get in touch and let’s work together.
Ever wonder how Elizabeth became a plain language lawyer? It’s utterly random.
I always marvel at how utterly random life is. Here is the answer to the question ‘How did you become a plain language lawyer?’ The utter randomness 🎈My father is a lexicographer who specialised in document design and how to measure the ‘usability’ of business communication. I would grow...