• Llama ponders the risks of AI and privacy regulation

    When AI and privacy governance collide

    Lately, you can’t swing a cat without hitting an article or post about AI (especially those posts where someone asked ChatGPT to write a letter/poem/limerick in the style of x). Snooze fest,...

  • Billables & Burnout

    Most legal businesses still run on the billable-hour business model. Here are five reasons why this approach has passed its sell-by date. 1. TAKING CARE OF YOUR ASSETS There are many ways...

  • Making the case for legal design

    You know when you’ve been merrily doing a particular thing for years and then an influencer gives it a new name, brings it into popular consciousness and suddenly it’s trendy? (Not wearing...

  • The Rehabilitated Lawyer: Join us online!

    Are you a sad lawyer? Hello, hi. *Hug* You’re not alone. The statistics are staggering: lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to be depressed compared to people in other jobs, while the...

  • Read: White paper on the impact of POPIA on cookies, advertising, marketing and privacy (with some cats thrown in)

    While we were creating our white paper on cookies, adtech, martech and privacy, we became obsessed with cats. Why did we take things so far? (Cat scrotums are pretty far.) Because writing...

  • Marketers vs Lawyers: Why can’t we all just get along?

    Ever seen a toddler on one of those child leashes? They’re straining as hard as their little sausage legs allow, desperate to run free, talk to strangers and create a crayon masterpiece...

  • #Funlaw Challenge: 30 Posts in 30 Days

    There’s a lot of clutter online. We know. We’re as addicted to the infinite scroll as you are. But instead of being passive observers, Novation decided to take on the challenge to contribute...

  • Why it's okay to be funny about serious things

    Why it’s okay to be funny about serious things

    “Humour is a superpower in business, now more than ever,” says Naomi Bagdonas, a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in her class on the benefits of leading with laughter....