A team
of kick-ass compliance officers and lawyers
GRC and legal departments get a bad rap for being the ‘no’ people. Maybe it’s time for a complianoscopy – where change-management principles meet practical soft skills.
that people will want to read and follow
We *heart* policies that are colourful, easy to read, and accessible. Ditch the dusty documents. Good, value-led policies will save energy, time, and money.
that work
Easy-to-read contracts cut down on negotiating time and boost your bottom line. We make sure whoever reads it can easily find what they need, and understand it the first time around. Let’s get down to business.
that makes friends and influences people
We believe in contracts that are clear, user-friendly and written for customers – not lawyers. We use information design, UX and plain language to turn your customers’ WTFs into moments of sweet, sweet clarity.